Traffic Rules and Regulation in India


In the following article, we will be discussing an important topic that is Traffic Rules and Regulation in India: There has been an enormous surge in the number of vehicles within the country since the time it was 1st introduced. With the increase in living standards of the common people, the number of Private Vehicles owned by families has also increased in spite of the very fact that India is still a Developing Country.


So the overload of vehicles in the country with the progression of time application has a light-emitting diode to the implication of vehicular traffic control a predisposition. The first legislation passed for the regulation of automobiles and other road user is traced back to the year 1914 under the Indian motor Vehicle Act.


In due course of time, a large variety of amendments have been created in the same. The final accepted draft was passed in 1988, amended and revised by the government of India which applies not only of drivers of vehicles but additionally pedestrians, cyclists, etc. Formulation and administration of rules and regulations and laws with reference to road transport which falls under the Ministry of Road Transport and highway.


Even though millions of individuals commute every day in personal or public transports, only a few are well acquainted with the Traffic Rules and Regulations of the Country. Therefore let’s take a glance at a few of the most important ones which every citizen of India needs to have Knowledge and Information About:Regarding this helmet dealers in mumbai are do their job so well.


  • Possession of Valid Identification Proof- every individual driving a vehicle ought to possess a valid driver’s license, certification of Registration of the Vehicle, Certificate of Taxation and Insurance to make a Few.


  • Prohibition of Driving in an Intoxicated Condition i.e. Under the influence of Alcohol and Drugs.


  • The Mental and Physical Well-Being of the Driver is of utmost importance to avoid any major Mishaps on the Road.


  • Prohibition of horns in Silence Zones- Honking is prohibited in and around areas that have hospitals and schools.


  • It is necessary for vehicles to give way to fire trucks and ambulances. An exception is made for them in most traffic rules permitting them to reach their destination on time.


  • Speed restrictions- The speed limits depend not only on the sort of vehicle that’s driven but also on the road it’s driven on. The higher speed of around 120 km/hr allowed on highways and expressways whereas it must be kept below thirty km/hr in highly congested places and at road junctions.


  • It is mandatory for cars to stop at the pedestrian crossing allowing Pedestrians to Cross.


  • A Safe Distance should be maintained by cars or Automobiles in general while driving as well as when they are static in Traffic Signals.


  • There is a limit to the number of individuals that can travel in each type of vehicle. Traveling on the top bunkers of the car is strictly prohibited (not allowed).


  • There are numerous rules that apply to park furthermore including maintaining a safe distance between cars, prevention, and obstruction to other vehicles, no parking on Footpaths, etc.


  • In India, unlike in other countries of the world, it’s acceptable that the car is driven on the left side of the road allowing the cars to pass through the Correct Side.


Violation of these traffic rules is a punishable offense with penalties starting from Rs 100- Rs 5000 on the basis of the degree of violation. In certain cases, the person may be subjected to imprisonment for up to six months.


In case of road accidents remuneration ranging from Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh are awarded by Motor Accident Claims tribunal depending upon the severity.
